Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Additional Information for 1863 JS Mitchell

This morning Bob found the Articles of War for the Confederacy online, and here is a link to the page for Article 38: http://www.archive.org/stream/articlesofwar

It says “cap pouch lost to be stoped”.  Article of War Number 38 states  that any soldier losing equipment through neglect or by selling or spoiling,  can have his pay stopped (not to  exceed  one-half his salary).  While James  didn’t have a court martial over this, it appears  that he had to repay the cost of the cap pouch.
This must be what was meant by the phrase "to be stoped" after the mention that James Stanley had lost his cap pouch. I have placed ** where this information is needed in the post about James Stanley's Civil War Records and linked it to this post.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. Infantry was carrying Springfield muskets taking a percussion cap. Certainly they carried caps and powder in different pouches to cut back on conflagration.
